Just in time for summer, a bumper crop of new tiny mags has shown up in lit racks and windowsills of swell joints all over town. Their quality is, uh, varying, but they've all managed to find a first round of advertisers! Keep your eyes peeled for: Here & Now, which has the usual suspect restaurant/club/venue listings (though we'll bet the Associates won't be happy to see the "Fabulous Fox Museum" listed in Grand Center), plus some dubious English; Hipster magazine, devoted to "entertainment/fashion/lifestyle" and includes Red Moon, Boulevard St. Louis, Plush and Plaza Motors on its "Hip 20 List"; and unscene, (in which the "un" stands for "urban navigator"), devoted to independent businesses, restaurants, galleries and so on, grouped into neighborhoods. Maybe I'm just too old and today's text-happy, graphics-rich-environment kids will be all into it, but as much as I like the idea behind unscene, I found it to be sensorily jarring.
Hipsters, of course, may disagree.
Posted under The Media by Amanda Doyle on Wed., May 18, 2005 at 3:19 PM