There's an article by Kevin M. Mitchell in the current issue of St. Louis Magazine about local blogs, including members of the STL Syndicate. I haven't snagged a copy yet, but there's a teaser on the magazine's web site.
Based on that, it looks like a good antidote to the crusty old man commentary by Joe Pollack in the March issue of The St. Louis Journalism Review ("Blogs are not journalism"). Apparently, Mr. Pollack, who fancies himself a Journalist with a capital "J," is not a very adept web user and has difficulty evaluating the credibility of different online sources of information. Not knowing where to look to find the good ones, he lumps all blogs together as "the misspelled, ungrammatical, virulent opinions of someone ... whose maturity is non-existent." If he'd spend some time on the web, Joe would be surprised to learn that not all blogs are anonymously written (most of the good ones aren't), and unlike him, not everyone needs an editor to make his writing coherent and accurate.
Posted under The Media by Brian Marston on Tue., Mar 29, 2005 at 2:42 PM
It is the big media with their "Journalists" that I increasingly distrust. They ignore important stories if it won't help their ratings and advertising revenues.
[Posted by Steve Patterson on Tue., Mar 29, 2005 at 7:34 PM]Also contrary to Pollack: Many smart newspapers have added blog components.
[Posted by mra on Fri., Apr 1, 2005 at 12:55 AM]Other than Norman's problem of figuring out who I am, I'd say most bloggers in St. Louis do sign their names.
[Posted by ArchPundit on Fri., Apr 1, 2005 at 2:04 AM]