In the May/June 04 issue of Art Papers magazine, St. Louis scores the cover story, with a feature written by Ivy Cooper called "Surviving St. Louis: Is there a good side to being an artist outside a first-tier city?" The conclusion, unsurprisingly, is yes!
Along with lots of good press for some of our favorite artists, galleries (hi, Urbis Orbis and Fort Gondo!), and St. Louis amenities, check this:
"Artists in St. Louis have their share of struggles, but no one I talked to wanted to leave. On the contrary, they feel that recent developments in the St. Louis art scene point to better days on the horizon. A number of community-based art organizations have opened up in the past few years, including Art Dimensions, The Commonspace in Midtown, the Art Coop downtown and Fort Gondo. Each of these organizations has one foot in the arts and one foot in urban revitalization, which appears to be the best recipe for success for any artistic undertaking in the city."
That's it, we can't talk to the little people anymore: we'll be too busy swilling Chardonnay with the art set.
Posted under STL in the News by Amanda Doyle on Thu., May 13, 2004 at 2:37 PM